Maybe the now-senile crime boss Joe “Bananas” Biden will be the unity president after all. His decision to pardon his middle-aged criminal son for all crimes he committed, or may have committed, or planned to commit, or hopes to commit on planet earth or any other inhabitable or uninhabitable planet in the Milky Way or any other galaxy has managed to unify Republicans and Democrats.
Republicans and Democrats are shaking their heads in incredulity at the vastness and timing of the pardon. And conservative Americans are incensed about Biden’s hubris in pardoning his spawn after bald-faced lying to the country time and again, saying he would never pardon Hunter because “no one is above the law.” Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley argues that Biden’s repeated lies constitute “contempt” for the American people.
After telling the country self-serving whopper after whopper for decades, Biden now expects Americans to believe him when he and his toadies claim this pardon represents a sudden change of heart—a change that took place during this past weekend of deep soul searching.
While searching his soul or searching for his soul, Biden concluded that his recidivist son has been a victim of “raw politics” that “led to a miscarriage of justice.”
Biden’s wrestling match with his conscience took place ten days before Hunter’s sentencing for his conviction on federal gun charges on Dec. 12 and two weeks before his sentencing for his federal tax evasion convictions. How conveeenient.
Biden proclaimed that “No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son—and that is wrong.”
Does Biden personally know any reasonable people? Seems unlikely because many reasonable people look at the facts of Hunter’s cases and the facts of his life and conclude that the only reason he isn’t in prison already is that he is Joe Biden’s son.
Evidence suggests that in addition to his violation of federal gun laws and failure to pay taxes, Hunter has peddled influence, bought and used crack cocaine, and “has improperly claimed business deductions for a number of personal expenses, including his children’s college tuition, hotel bills and payments to escorts.”
It appears that Hunter’s relationship with Joe has rendered him immune from legal consequences. In other words, Joe Biden has placed reprobate and serial lawbreaker Hunter way above the law.
Deplorables, garbage people, and reasonable people see that the very specific time frame of the pardon—January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024—begins just before Joe and Hunter started making bank on Hunter peddling the Big Guy’s influence.
According to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, the amount of money paid to the Biden family and their associates between spring of 2014 and summer of 2017 was close to $18 million.
In pardoning his son for crimes for which Hunter hasn’t even been charged (is that even a thing?), Joe has tacitly admitted that his son is guilty of crimes for which he hasn’t yet been charged.
Unfortunately for the Bidens, they just may get caught up in the tangled web they’ve woven with their hairy spider legs.
In the Washington Free Beacon, Thomas Hungar, House general counsel from 2016-2019, explains the web Biden has created:
Assuming Hunter Biden accepts the pardon, he won’t be able to invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination as to any potential federal crimes for which he’s been pardoned.
Fox News reporter Breanne Deppisch elaborates:
While Hunter Biden is indeed shielded against prosecution for any federal offenses he “committed or may have committed” between Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024, those around him are not—which means that Hunter Biden could theoretically be called on to testify in any potential cases brought against family members or others in his inner circle.
In these cases, Hunter Biden’s pardon could actually limit his ability to assert Fifth Amendment privileges, since he is no longer at risk of facing criminal charges.
Those Americans who believe that no one should be above the law want to see justice prevail with regard to miscreants Hunter and Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is not now nor ever has been a statesman. As National Review’s Charles Cooke writes,
Joe Biden is a … liar, a blowhard, a partisan, an asshole. He’s not decent. He’s not straight-talking. His election did not represent a return to normalcy—or anything like it.
And Democrats have long known that.
While some Dems are now angry about the scope of the pardon and about Biden lying to the American people, saying he would never, no way, no how pardon Hunter, they aren’t angry about his lack of virtue. They’re angry about how this ahistorical pardon and Joe’s lies about it may affect them now that Republicans control the House, Senate, and presidency. Their eyes are always on the prize of unlimited power.
Protecting one’s child from the consequences of their own immoral, unethical, illegal choices is not a virtue. It’s foolish, selfish, and destructive. Helping children—especially adult children—evade the consequences of their actions causes harm to those children, the public good, and the cause of justice. Joe Biden has harmed Hunter, the family name, public trust in government leaders, and his own legacy.