A Reminder from Kamala of the Bullet America Dodged

Just days ago, on Dec. 17 in a speech delivered at a community college in Maryland, Kamala Harris, with seemingly no awareness of how comprehensively awful she is as a political candidate and public speaker, reminded Americans of the shiny blue bullet we all dodged on November 5th.

Before I get to the video highlight, some of Harris’ presumably substantive ideas bear mentioning.

After a grimacing, smarmy introductory minute of unoriginal palaver about public service, Harris discussed the Wisconsin school shooting, never mentioning the execution of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Harris’ proposed solution to the problem of gun violence was the kind of childish gibberish for which she is infamous:

We must be committed to have the courage to know that solutions are in hand.

To iterate, Harris’ solution is being committed to having courage to know about solutions. Got it, you garbage people?

Exactly what those in-hand solutions are, she didn’t mention. My guess is that the solution she has in her hands is grabbing your guns.

I’m not sure if all the lefties celebrating the street execution by gun of Brian Thompson are as eager for gun confiscation as Harris is. I’m not sure if all Harris’ celebrity friends with gun-toting private security details are as eager for gun confiscation as Harris is. Heck, I’m not sure if all Harris’ wealthy friends who personally own guns are as eager as she is for gun confiscation. What’s good for the rich and famous is entirely different from what’s good for deplorables.

Next up in her act was her expression of admiration for the impatience of her youthful audience for change—admiration oddly expressed through anger with furrowed brows, eyes burning with rage, and finger jabbing the air. Harris told her audience of young’uns that they had somehow supernaturally ingested advice from her deceased mother:   

[Y]ou who have … by your actions adopted some advice my mother gave me a long time ago. She would say to me, “Kamala, don’t just complain about what is wrong. Do something about it. Make it right.”

Over half the country looked at Harris’ record and concluded that she had done a lot of complaining and virtually nothing to make things right.

Her recent campaign burned like a wildfire through an eye-popping $1.5 billion—that’s billion with a “b”—in fifteen weeks, demonstrating how she intended to “make things right” if elected. Harris and other Dems hope to make things “right” by tossing your money at all the problems they create.

Harris then transitioned to her campaign script about shared dreams and aspirations, a transition accompanied by a jarring change in tone and facial expression exposing the inauthenticity of her performance.

On the word “dreams,” she morphed instantly from angry scold to saccharine Momala:

[W]e recognize that we are all in this together; that no matter our background we share the same dreams, aspirations, and ambitions for ourselves and our family; that we all have so much more in common than what separates us. 

Coming from a leftwing Democrat, identity hire, and promoter of social division based on race, sex, and erotic predilections, words of shared dreams and unity ring hollow.

In another passage cribbed from her campaign script and believable only to young credulous students, Harris waxed phony in her description of America:

an America where we are guided by the ideals that have always defined us, when we are at our best—dignity and decency; fairness, freedom, and opportunity for all—an America where we recognize that the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down. It’s based on who you lift up.

I guess in Harris’ worldview, lifting people up includes calling them unfit to serve and a dangerous fascist.

The ideals that guided our Founding Fathers and defined America until the latter half of the latter half of the 20th Century were not the ideals that guide and define Kamala Harris and today’s neo-racist, neo-sexist, control-freak, sexually freakish Democrat Party.

Many Americans do not share with Dems a dream of an America with a colossal bureaucracy that gobbles up and redistributes their hard-earned money.

Many Americans do not share with Dems an existential fear of a climate apocalypse.

Many Americans do not share with Dems a vision of a border-free America.

Many Americans do not share with Dems a dream of an America where people will be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Many Americans do not dream of slaughtering humans in their mothers’ wombs any time between conception and birth.

Many Americans do not dream of sharing locker rooms with or competing in sports against persons of the opposite sex.

These millions of Americans do not think human slaughter, the sexual integration of sports and private spaces, illegal immigration, or identity politics reflect dignity, decency, fairness, freedom, or opportunity for all.

And now we come to Harris’ speech highlight—a real knee-slapper that has gone viral. She concluded by joking about her infamous “word salads”—a misnomer in that salads are healthy. Maybe “discursive dump” would be more accurate:

[A]s we close out this year …  I ask you to remember the context in which you exist—yeah, I did that.

And then came the dreaded, cringe-inducing cackle.

Harris proves again why she should leave the political scene with as much haste as her husband spun his former girlfriend around with a hard smack in the face. Unlike the second “gentleman’s” smack, however, Kamala’s speedy exit would be celebrated by Americans from California to the New York islands.

Remember this speech when you hear rumors that Harris is roaming the land, hoping to devour some more public money and power.
