One of the many lessons Americans should have learned post-election is that leftists do not, in reality, object to tyranny or authoritarianism. They didn’t vote for Harris and her pirouetting sidekick because they oppose tyranny. Leftists voted for the peculiar Harris/Walz ticket because they feared losing their power to tyrannize and stigmatize Americans.
Most Americans have been suffering or chuckling their way through the hysterical posts of the madding leftist crowd, who are “accepting the results of the election” by shrieking and shouting, railing and rending clothes, apparently competing for social media notoriety or asylum committal.
There was Thomas Mix, an angry, obsessive homosexual whose avocation is suing people. He threatened to destroy the livelihoods of pro-life men who voted for Trump:
I hope that we’re finding out who these men are, finding out where they live, finding out who they work for, and then reporting them to their employers, so they get terminated from their positions. … Stop giving these f*cks solace. … Take action against these people. Do it. Get them terminated from their jobs. Make it so they become homeless.
Washington Post writer Jen Rubin spread paranoid misinformation, as Washington Post writers are wont to do:
It is 1933. Hitler is in power. No time for a f*cking seminar on Democrats messaging errors
While Rubin asserts with authoritarian absolutism and nuttiness that she—a Jew—is likely to be rounded up and sent to a gas chamber any minute now, she oddly remains here in New Nazi USA.
Leftists from all walks of life have spent the past week going berserk over friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues daring to dissent with their votes from leftist diktats. But it’s teachers—those paragons of virtue-signaling and wellsprings of tolerance—who provided yet more reason to disembowel the Department of Education, which has become a propaganda behemoth.
Leonard Serrato, University of Oregon’s Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life, exposed how little he knows about brotherly love:
I’m done crying. My sadness is over. My anger has set in. I am a very petty person, and I am very proud of that — love it about myself, actually.
And so, I say this in the most disrespectful way possible: I don’t care if you are my family, I don’t care if you are my friend, I don’t care if we have been friends our entire lives, you can literally go f*ck yourself if you voted for Donald Trump.
If you are so sad about your groceries being expensive, get a better f*cking paying job, do better in life. Get a f*cking education. Do something, because you are f*cking stupid, and I hope you go jump off of a f*cking bridge.
So little compassion for the plight of families struggling to feed their children. So much authoritarianism in Serrato’s commands.
Serrato spent 90 days in jail in 2014 for providing alcohol to underage pledges and urging them to drink during a hazing incident at a fraternity to which he belonged. One of the pledges died, and Serrato claims that his death led to Serrato’s commitment to ending hazing. Hoping over half the country commits suicide, well he’s totally on board with that.
Then there was Maximiliano Perez, the AP History teacher at Valley View High School in California’s Moreno Valley Unified School District who went on an anti-conservative, anti-men, anti-Trump tirade that in a just world would cost him his job:
This shit is not a f*cking game. … Can you end up with no human rights? YES! … Does [Donald Trump] embody some of Hitler’s ideas? YES!
I know a lot of Latino men … that love Donald Trump, and he has called their mothers rapists. He has called their fathers rapists. …
God I f*cking hate the patriarchy. …
A rapist draft dodging coward. Treasonous scum. Why would he win? … [Kamala] has a vagina and uterus. She has melanin. … When Joe Biden dropped and Kamala took over, I cried for a week nonstop. I knew that there were … men that would show up and … vote for literally anybody except someone with a uterus who has melanin.
In parts of his tirade, he shouted questions at his students as if it were a secular catechism, expecting them to provide the answers he wanted:
Perez: Is our country racist?
Student quietly: Yes.
Perez: Is our country patriarchal?
Student quietly: Yes.
Perez is the faculty advisor for the AP Mental Health Club part of the purpose of which is to “experience social emotional wellness firsthand.” ‘Nuff said.
A MAGA hat triggered Chino Valley High School teacher Clyde Colinco—not surprisingly, an English teacher:
A child molester, huh? Vote for that freaking rapist. I have a daughter, three nieces, and he’d rape them, and people are voting for him. Christians are voting for him, bunch of losers. Fake Christians. … I’m pissed. People voting for a freaking rapist, and I’m pissed off. I don’t care, fire the hell out of me. I’m fighting for my daughter, my nieces, their rights.
Another leftist spreading misinformation: Trump was not convicted of raping anyone.
Perhaps Colinco lives such an insular existence that he is ignorant of the fact that many Americans voted to protect the right of their daughters, nieces, wives, sisters, and mothers to be free of cross-dressing men in their locker rooms, restrooms, and sports.
Many Americans voted to protect the rights of preborn girls (and boys) to live.
Many Americans didn’t want to vote for a woman whose husband impregnated his children’s nanny and who assaulted his prior girlfriend.
And many Americans didn’t want to vote for a person—vagina or not—who lied to them for four years, telling them that Biden had never been cognitively sharper.
Like a middle school bully, a huffing puffing Colinco resorted to name-calling: “You wear a racist hat, you’re a racist.”
Leftist activists who identify as teachers are crawling all over government schools. Connecticut special ed teacher Annie Dunleavy shared her views on post-election bullying:
People of color and poor people and gay people … aren’t going to be safe in America. Neither the f*ck are you guys. Just because you won doesn’t mean we don’t remember who the f*ck you voted for. You’re not in the clear. And … don’t test your gangster on me because you will end on a stretcher, gone, forever. So serious, nobody f*ckin’ talk to me unless you want to swing. If you wanna fight, text me, call me.
Leftist teachers all across America have apparently forgotten they are public servants. Instead, they boldly insult and threaten the public that pays their salaries.
Leftist teachers—especially in high schools–have long been comfortable expressing their moral and political views in the classrooms (including via obscene language). Conservative teachers, not so much.
Decades of ruling (and soiling) the roost and of enjoying a virtual monopoly at every level of education and all education-related institutions have created these presumptuous leftist tyrants.
For decades leftists have controlled colleges and universities that train teachers, teachers’ unions, professional organizations like the National Council of Teachers of English, and publishing companies.
These petty tyrants have intolerantly stamped out ideological diversity and banned resources through leftist-constructed “collection development policies.”
Leftist “teachers” cannot cultivate either wisdom or integrity because they lack both. They are unfit for educating America’s future generations.
Maybe, just maybe, a new chapter in America’s story is starting to be written at the behest of seventy-six million Americans. And leftists, seeing their tyrannical control being written out of the story, are going mad.